This tool is not the only advantage, even though it offers powerful dynamic filter techniques that simplify identification and sorting. The user-friendly GUI interface lets you find all the packets you’re looking for. Its graphical user interface is straightforward to learn and operate, allowing even non-technical people to grasp what’s going on quickly. Super User Friendly and Easy to Use GUI interface You can tell immediately which package is originating from which game and that is being retrieved from the Xbox conversation or the game’s Host IP. Its powerful filters automatically enable the individual to evaluate the packets without any confusion. Accessing the video games without having to worry about whether or not an upgrade is necessary. Octosniff has sophisticated and strong packet filters that make it simple to operate and deal with. Discover the Octosniff characteristics that will entice you to engage in gaming. Octosnif f includes many fascinating features that distinguish it as a top-tier Xbox resolver and IP sniffer. Network traffic decrypting in real-time.It has several properties that make it an excellent sniffing tool. This is mostly functional with the Xbox 360, PlayStation 4/PS5/PS3, and Xbox 360/One. Then “ Octosniff free” is the ideal tool for sniffing the IP addresses of gamers on your console. Suppose you play gameplay on the Playstation or Xbox. It’s an active research tool that enables gamers to learn more about the other players in their game, like their IP addresses. It is a strong network diagnostic programme for gamers that aids in the optimization of your gaming connections.